The Experiment: I Stopped Giving My Husband Blow Jobs For A Month

Feeling like you need a change of pace in the bedroom? Sometimes it's good to take a break and explore new ways to unleash your wildest desires. Whether you're into extreme kinkiness or just looking to switch things up, there's a whole world of possibilities out there waiting for you. So why not take a break from the usual routine and dive into something new and exciting? Check out this website for some inspiration and get ready to explore a whole new side of pleasure.

As a married woman, I've always been open to trying new things in the bedroom to keep the spark alive in my relationship. So when I stumbled upon the idea of withholding blow jobs from my husband for a month as an experiment, I was both intrigued and a little nervous. Would it lead to tension in our relationship, or would it actually bring us closer together? I was about to find out.

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The Decision

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I've always enjoyed giving my husband blow jobs, and he's always expressed his appreciation for them. However, as our relationship has evolved over the years, our sex life has become more routine. I felt like I was putting in more effort than he was, and I wanted to see how he would react if I took a step back from one aspect of our sexual relationship.

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I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I was determined to see this experiment through. I wanted to see if not giving blow jobs for a month would make him appreciate them more, or if it would lead to a breakdown in our sexual connection.

The First Week

The first week of the experiment was the hardest. I felt guilty for not giving my husband something he enjoyed, and I was worried about how he would react. I didn't want to hurt his feelings or make him feel neglected, but I also wanted to see if he would notice the absence of blow jobs.

To my surprise, he didn't say anything about it. I started to wonder if he even noticed that I had stopped giving blow jobs. I started to second-guess my decision, wondering if I was just overthinking things. Maybe blow jobs weren't as important to him as I thought they were.

The Second Week

As the second week rolled around, I started to notice a shift in my husband's behavior. He seemed more attentive and affectionate, and our sex life actually improved. It was as if not giving blow jobs had forced us to explore other aspects of our sexual relationship. We were having more intimate conversations, trying new positions, and overall just enjoying each other's company more.

I started to realize that maybe I had been too focused on one aspect of our sex life, and by taking a step back, I had actually opened the door to new experiences and deeper connection with my husband.

The Third Week

By the third week, I was fully on board with the experiment. I was enjoying the newfound intimacy in our relationship and was curious to see how my husband would react when I finally broke the news to him. I wanted to see if he had noticed the absence of blow jobs, and if so, how he felt about it.

To my surprise, he admitted that he had noticed and missed them, but he also confessed that he had enjoyed exploring other aspects of our sex life. He appreciated the change of pace and the opportunity to try new things. It was a relief to hear that he hadn't felt neglected or upset by my decision, and it made me realize that our sex life was about so much more than just one act.

The End of the Experiment

As the month came to a close, I decided to end the experiment and surprise my husband with a blow job. I wanted to show him that I appreciated his patience and openness to trying new things. The experience had taught me a valuable lesson about the importance of communication and openness in a relationship. It had also shown me that sometimes, taking a step back can lead to unexpected growth and connection.

In the end, the experiment had brought my husband and me closer together. It had forced us to communicate and explore new aspects of our sexual relationship, and it had ultimately strengthened our bond. I was glad that I had taken the risk and tried something new, and I was grateful for the lessons it had taught me.


In the end, the experiment of not giving my husband blow jobs for a month had been a valuable learning experience. It had shown me the importance of communication, openness, and exploring new aspects of our sexual relationship. It had also brought my husband and me closer together and strengthened our bond.

While I don't think I'll be withholding blow jobs again anytime soon, I am grateful for the insights and growth that came from the experiment. It had taught me that sometimes, taking a step back can lead to unexpected growth and connection in a relationship. And ultimately, that's what matters most.